Energy minister Kanchana Wijesekera shared the fuel cost breakdown for the first time on his social handle.
He also stated in the tweet, “IOC does not sell kerosine, that makes the biggest loss. They also sell other premium products which has a higher mark up. CPC supplies to CEB, CTB, CGR and other government institutes which owes money to CPC. And the staff numbers are staggering too.”
Later today Tweeted that “95 Petrol and Super Diesel daily requirements are less than 10% of the market share. We have explored the idea to increase prices in premium products. Driving up prices significantly on both will not be a solution. It will create an artificial demand for lesser priced products.”
Minister Kanchana also highlighted 7 key features regarding the fuel crisis.
- 95 Petrol and Super Diesel daily requirements are less than 10% of the market share. We have explored the idea to increase the prices of premium products.
- Driving up prices significantly on both will not be a solution. It will create an artificial demand for lesser-priced products.
- CPC placed an advertisement 3 weeks ago for anyone who can supply petroleum products to submit their proposals.
- 67 such proposals were received, all were evaluated by the tech committee, and 39 were shortlisted. Got them all together and spoke to them last Tuesday.
- We clearly communicated to them our possible payment plans and our requirements and answered all questions they had.
- Further to that the President, PM, and Ministry of Energy have made requests from oil-producing countries for their support and credit lines.
- Requests are made for anyone who can supply products to the said requirements and the best pricing possible to submit proposals to the Ministry of Energy or CPC to evaluate them, which we will do in 48 hours.