Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe met with the proprietors of Sri Lanka’s media organizations last evening (9). Dr. Samaratunga, the Prime Minister’s top economic advisor, updated the participants on the country’s economic status throughout the meaningful discussion.
The Prime Minister notified the owners of the media that the IMF will be visiting the nation on June 20th. He stated that he hoped to achieve a staff-level agreement before the end of the month.
He also stated that, in light of the impending food shortages, he was starting the country’s food security program. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe remarked that he hoped that under the food security initiative, the government would be able to give free food to 10% of the people who could not afford three meals a day.
He urged media proprietors to help the government offer an accurate picture of the situation. He also noted that the media must hold the government accountable when required, but he also asked for ethical reporting.
When asked about the government’s measures, the Prime Minister emphasized that the country would have to bear the repercussions owing to the economic harm. However, he emphasized that the government is making every effort to mitigate the damage by giving financial and logistical assistance. A Rs. 200 billion financial safety net is being built for social sector assistance.
He made a point of saying that talks were underway with Japan to rebuild their trust and obtain their cooperation. The Prime Minister stated that nations are moving forward with assistance in food and medical supplies, but no country will step forward with free fuel.
The Prime Minister indicated that he relies on media organizations to assist the country get through the coming months. (PMs Media Division)