All pensioners will receive an additional Rs. 6,000 with their October pension payments, which includes a Rs. 3,000 interim allowance for October and Rs. 3,000 in allowance arrears from September, according to Finance State Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya.
A Cabinet Paper on this matter was presented by the President and approved by the Cabinet. In addition to the Rs. 2,500 extra payment issued in April, a Rs. 3,000 interim allowance has been approved to be paid starting in October until salary anomalies are resolved.
Minister Siyambalapitiya emphasized that the Rs. 6,000 payment in October includes the Rs. 3,000 arrears from September.
The Finance Ministry has given full written approval for this additional allowance, and the Public Administration Ministry is expected to issue a circular to implement it.
He also noted that the Election Commission objected to issuing the allowance in September due to the announcement of an upcoming election.
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