The Central Environment Authority has decided to bring a new law regarding drinking water bottles. Accordingly, henceforth drinking water can be packaged only in transparent bottles.
The Central Environmental Authority says that some bottles of drinking water sold in the market are blue and the sale of such bottles will be banned in the future. A senior spokesman said that in the future, a grace period will be given to the manufacturing companies to produce only transparent bottles.
In addition to this, the Central Environmental Authority said that a new law will be introduced that only recyclable bottles can be released to the market from now on. A nationwide survey revealed that only 25% of discarded plastic bottles are recycled. The Central Environment Authority also stated that the gazette announcement containing the new rules will be issued within a month.
In the meantime, the Central Environmental Authority says that the raiding of prohibited items such as plastic flower garlands, single-use plastic spoons, forks, yoghurt spoons, plastic drinking straws and plastic floors used for making hoppers will start in October. Accordingly, the grace period given to remove the goods that are currently in the market and to remove the stock of manufactured goods will end next month. (Direct Translated from Neth News)