The ability to work and the activity of women as well as men and children is greatly reduced due to iron deficiency. There are many difficulties caused by anaemia, as well as the development of body health. This greatly affects the physical and mental development of children. Iron deficiency causes various complications.
Due to iron deficiency, all functions are disturbed. Especially in pregnant mothers, iron deficiency anaemia also causes maternal mortality and morbidity. Due to such conditions, even the growth of the fetus is stunted and various complications in the fetus can even lead to abortions. Due to this condition, the adverse effects of infectious diseases also increase. Some effects reduce the strength of the bones and marrow of the body.
Because of this, the most affected are women of reproductive age, pregnant or lactating mothers, infants and children and young children. People who haven’t had iron-rich foods for a long time can develop anaemia just like everyone else. The body needs iron for proper physical and mental development and to be active without lethargy. Iron deficiency is one of the causes of low birth weight children. Memory decreases and attention to something decreases. Getting sick is also quick. In the research done on iron deficiency and anaemia, it has been confirmed that iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world.
For these reasons, it has become the responsibility of the elderly to take iron-rich nutritional foods. Children become very iron deficient and suffer from other diseases due to the carelessness of parents and elders. Parents are used to giving their children the food they ask for because of their disobedience or stubbornness. Because of this, salt, flour and fried foods as well as fast food and frozen drinks are offered. This is a condition that greatly affects the health of growing children. The damage to children is dangerous due to the provision of foods that do not have any nutritional value, which hinders the growth of the body. Some children also have a habit of eating sweet and tasty frozen foods like ice cream and ice chokes after eating greasy and oily foods. It is also customary to eat pickles with a lot of salt and vinegar. It is a hindrance to the health of children. It leads to diseases.
Eating foods rich in iron
Children should be very concerned about their development. It is the responsibility of adults to do their best to provide quality food to children. Among the foods rich in iron nutrients are meats, fish, dry fruits, dried fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, vegetables, crops, soybeans, mung beans, chickpeas, cowpeas, lentils, and other foods that are mixed with iron. In particular, halibut, fish or dried fish, Balaya and Kelavalla are the most beneficial. Foods containing vitamin C are also very suitable. To get the amount of iron required by the body properly, one should eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. Iron deficiency anaemia has become a serious health problem in our country. But it can be avoided if more care is taken.
Malnutrition causes retardation of physical and mental development. This is a big problem physically. Therefore, everyone should pay attention to iron deficiency. Actions to be taken for that should be carried out without missing a beat. When a child is growing, the need for iron should be high. Iron needs are essential for the growth of adolescent girls. Iron intake decreases during menstruation. To meet it, it should be given suitable food. Thus, if the body does not get enough food, it can suffer from iron deficiency.
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