China successfully tests a large “sail” to gather and remove space debris. Space trash has been a huge issue in recent years when it comes to space travel, and it has been the primary cause of spacecraft damage. Approximately 9000 satellites have been sent into orbit to far, with 5000 of them no longer operational. As a result, they have gotten stuck in orbit, posing a challenge for the operating ones. The Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, on the other hand, appears to have found a solution to the problem, announcing success in eradicating space trash.

The Chinese scientists claimed to have utilized a ‘drag sail’ to successfully knock a recently launched Long March 2 rocket out of orbit. This was their first attempt at using this technology, and they reported that the kite-like construction was effective in achieving the task of clearing space trash.

Since the device is simple to develop and works on practically all types of satellites, it will be an affordable solution for space garbage. The material employed is lightweight and flexible, making it easy to store within a spaceship for use later on during the journey into space.
China has been under fire from several nations for its handling of space debris after a chunk of one of their space rockets from 2014 landed into the moon earlier this year. The International Space Station experienced a similar occurrence, although it was able to avoid any collisions.
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