A team of around 1,000 Police personnel have been deployed for security in and around the Election Commission Office in Rajagiriya on August 15, the nomination day of the Presidential Election.
The Police Traffic Division has prepared plans to reduce the traffic jams that may occur by only allowing vehicles to be driven in one direction on several roads around the Election Commission.
Adiscussion in this regard has been held last Friday between Election Commission Chairman R.M.A.L.Rathnayake and other officials of the Election Commission and the senior Police officers including SDIG Lalith Pathinayake, Senior Deputy Inspector General in charge of Elections Asanka Karavita, Western Province Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police K.P.M. Gunaratne, Western Province Police Traffic Division Chief, DIG Priyantha Liyanage, City Traffic Division Director SSP Kamal Pushpakumara. Police had also taken steps to inform the Election Commission of their plans in this discussion.
It has been pointed out here that although the Police had taken steps to close several roads around the Election Commission during other election periods, this time the Police have planned to do security and traffic control without closing the roads.