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Minister of State for Mass Media Shantha Bandara said that the new bill for the modernization of the postal department will be submitted to the Parliament before the end of this year. The Minister of State mentioned that these innovative works will be carried out as a joint private and public sector project at a cost of 10 billion rupees and also said that the post office will never be liquidated.

The Minister of State for Media, Shantha Bandara, expressed these views while attending the ‘Collective Path to a Stable Country’ news conference held at the Presidential Media Center yesterday (16). The minister said that within the next two years, it is planned to digitize the post office and create a profitable situation.

Minister Shantha Bandara said that since the existing Postal Ordinance Act is hindering the innovation of the mail, steps are being taken to amend it as soon as possible and its work has already been completed by 80%.

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